Bob Rowe

Bob Rowe is the President and CEO of NorthWestern Energy, the investor-owned utility that provides gas and electric service across much of Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska. He’s a recent chairman of Western Energy Institute, a current co-chair of the Institute for Electric Innovation, an Institute of the Edison Foundation focused on advancing the adoption of innovative and efficient technologies among electric utilities, and the former chair of the Montana Public Service Commission.

At the start of his career, in the 1980s, Bob was a VISTA volunteer and a Legal Services lawyer, and worked on subjects such as low-income utility programs and customer protections, utility-based efficiency programs, and integrated supply planning. We’re fortunate to have Bob involved with the Habitat X Conferences — with a lifetime of focused work on utilities and the environment, he is one of the most respected and progressive executives in the U.S. utility industry. Bob lives in Helena, Montana.

2015 Summer National Conference Panelist
Habitat X Author


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