The Habitat X Fellowship

Each year, Habitat X engages in a search for up-and-coming young professionals in the home performance industry. We take applications from individuals who are less than 40 years old, and we ask them to iterate a focused vision of an industry future that we think is far-reaching but realistic. We then choose people from among these applicants who are poised to make important contributions to the industry, and grant them a full-ride scholarship to the Summer National Conference.

Applications for the 2021 Fellowship are now open, with a deadline for submissions of May 1, 2021..

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The History of Habitat X Fellowships

It was with great pride that we announced the 2019 Habitat X Fellows: Evan Carberry (ReVireo), Chris Mari (Healthy Home Energy & Consulting), Matt Soble (Sealed), and AJ Salkoski (Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium).

This really was an extraordinary group of individuals. Each came to Habitat X not only with exceptional personal skills, commitment, and vision, but also with the backing of active and effective organizations.

In 2018, we were thrilled to announce three recipients of the Habitat X Fellowships: Sam MyersMegan Alise Carroll, and Clint Shireman. We’re proud to include all of them in our ongoing work.

See Sam’s article SystemVision: Where Building Science Meets Affordable Housing in the Habitat X Journal.

See Clint’s article How Assembly-Line Innovation Can Shape the Future of Sustainable Housing in the Habitat X Journal. 2018 Habitat X Fellows


Michelle Nochisaki

We were proud to offer a 2016 Fellowship to Michelle Nochisaki. She’s been exposed to a wide swath of the home performance industry in her tenure at the Building Performance Institute, Efficiency First, and now the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative — an advantage that she’ll surely leverage effectively in her aspirations for the industry and personal career development.

From Michelle’s Fellowship application: “I am hugely inspired and energized by the work that our industry does and by the people who are invested in its growth and success. I’m committed to continuing along the home performance career path, and finding the roles where my skills can best be utilized. Over the next five years, I want to have solidified my role within the home performance industry and be known as an outstanding asset responsible for enabling the industry to reach its full potential.

 I can’t think of another industry that matches the home performance arena in terms of untapped potential. There’s a constant forward-moving energy, and the feeling that the industry is always on the cusp of changing the world. I know for a fact that there are enough resources—people with incredible passion, creative ideas, and the willingness and ability to innovate—to do just that, and I want to be a part of it when we do.”

Ed Matos

We were proud to offer a 2016 Fellowship to Ed Matos. Ed lives on the North Shore of Long Island, and is a  Sales Director for Healthy Home Energy & Consulting. With a string of successful career moves behind him, we expect that Ed will get full benefit from his relationship with Habitat X.

From Ed’s Fellowship application: “Sales is underrepresented in the Home Performance industry, and has been for too long. If we want to see the impact we desire from a retrofits perspective, we have to change the conversation around sales. While there are many parts to this conversation, I see it rooted in 2 basic premises:

  • We have to get the message across to business owners and contractors that sales training is as important and needs the same amount of time and attention, from the beginning, as auditing or construction training.
  • We have to support this message in practice and in action, providing the framework and resources for sales training to be widespread and accessible.

I will have the most impact by being an active agent and architect in changing the conversation around sales in our industry. I have a true love and respect for sales, as an art and a profession. I also have a genuine passion for energy efficiency and in founding Competitive Advantage Consulting I hope to share this passion while challenging others to think differently about sales and what it means to be a true sales professional.

By creating an environment that recognizes and celebrates sales, stresses the importance of continued sales training, and makes those tools and resources easily accessible, we can make a difference — Change The Conversation and Change The Results!

Griffin Hagle

In 2015, we introduced Griffin Hagle as the Habitat X Fellow. Griffin comes from Southern Oregon, via the West Coast paradise of San Diego, where he worked across several sectors of the sustainable housing industry. He currently lives in Barrow, Alaska, where he works on some extremely tough housing issues for the local government.

Among the reasons we were impressed with Griffin’s application to become the Habitat X Fellow was this comment, “The decisive rupture toward widespread adoption of home performance won’t be a technological victory, but an emotive one. When we’ve mastered the storytelling to the extent we’ve mastered the science, we’ll finally have an industry.” We could not agree more.

Griffin was the Managing Editor of the 2018 Habitat X Journal, published the article The End of Malaise in the 2016 Journal, and penned the article Performance in Paradise in the 2015 Journal.

Griffin will attend the 2019 Summer National Conference in Bozeman, Montana.

Ryan Boswell

The 2014 Fellowship was awarded to Ryan Boswell of Fayetteville, Arkansas. He’s been deeply involved with sustainable housing and food issues for several years now, and is currently working in business development with Entegrity. He’s also done a stint as an operations manager for the New South Cooperative in Little Rock, and was in on the launch of the HEAL project for the Clinton Climate Initiative. Ryan joined us as a faculty member for the 2014 conference at Chico Hot Springs, Montana where he lead sessions on workplace finance, and reviewed the Re-Inventing Fire initiative of the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Read Ryan’s article about the HEAL initiative in the 2014 Habitat X Journal, or his recent article on the long-reaching effects of the Recovery Act.

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Apply Now for the 2021 Fellowship

We’re now engaged in a search for an up-and-coming home performance professional, based in North America or Europe, whose career we will support with the 2020 Habitat X Fellowship. For this person, we’ll provide a full-ride scholarship to Habitat X Summer National Conference.

Who Should Apply

You are under 40 years old, passionate about building performance, sustainable construction, or renewable energy. You are media-savvy, and can articulate a plan to make a difference in your industry and in the world.

What We’ll Provide

  • A 100% waiver on your 2020 Summer National Conference registration.
  • A seat on the program planning committee during meetings leading up to the conference.
  • The focused engagement of Habitat X faculty during the Summer National Conference.
  • Ongoing professional support and mentoring of Habitat X faculty members over the next year.
  • An invitation to present during the Open Space Sessions at the upcoming Habitat X Conference.

We’re now accepting applications for the 2021 Fellowship, with a deadline of May 1, 2020.


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