Curated Webinars 2019


The Habitat X Webinars are built with a simple principle in mind: to connect working professionals at their desks in ways that are meaningful and productive. For this series of Spring Webinars, we chose topics that were on the agenda for the 2019 Summer National Conference.

We call these Curated Webinars because we’ve cut out any distracting or un-needed content. We added titles where where they’re helpful. We transcribed questions from participants. And we’ve cleaned up the sound so it’s easier on the ear. It’s all part of the Habitat X way: to bring you relevant content that helps you do a better job.

Sign up at the bottom of this page if you’d like us to notify you when we open the next webinar series.

The Good Business of Healthier Homes

The premise. This topic remains a critical initiative at Habitat X. There is no escaping the fact that our homes affect our health. But there remains a practical gap between what a large volume of scientific studies tells us is possible and the business innovation needed to align value streams among the healthcare and the various housing sectors. We addressed that gap in this webinar and at the conference, delivering actionable takeaways that include realistic guidance for industry practitioners.

The presenters. We were honored to have the triad of Larry Zarker (Building Performance Institute), Kevin Kennedy (Children’s Mercy Hospital) and Joe Medosch (Hayward Score) on board for this one-hour webinar. Participants learned how the home performance and health industries are taking on an important new role in home health assessment, technical training, and home remediation. Each of these experts shared important new guidance that practitioners can put into immediate practice.

Healthier Homes

The Whirlwind Evolution of Modern Utilities

The premise. As gas and electric utilities drive towards clean energy and zero carbon, there is an ever-increasing need for load balancing resources, the least cost and most plentiful of which is energy efficiency. While EE holds great promise, saving energy is no longer always a net good for the system, instead, it is about shifting load to consume and store energy when it is clean and reduce load when it is dirty and costly.

However, nothing has prepared us for the most recent events in which the very existence of some utility organizations has been called into question. The good news is that this disruption opens some very good opportunities to include efficiency in the entire stack of energy resources.

The presenter. We brought in Matt Golden of Recurve for this webinar. Matt has made an insightful study of energy efficiency over the years, having worked the industry from several angles: energy service contracting (Sustainable Spaces), software development, and bundling of certified efficiency projects (Investor Confidence Project).

His current work at Recurve puts him at the front of one of the most important things happening in the utility industry today: developing a system for open source metering of energy-efficiency impacts accounts for the time and locational impacts of changes behind the meter on demand. Rather than paying customers for monthly savings in advance, this approach is enabling markets where demand flexibility can be treated and valued like other DERs — unlocking its full value and encouraging private innovation and investment.

It’s a fundamental shift in how we approach energy efficiency that we are keen to discuss in this one-hour webinar. Come prepared to get educated on the look of energy efficiency in the decades ahead.

Whirlwind Evolution of Modern Utilities

A Bullish Approach to Home Performance Finance

The premise. We’ve long recognized that a wider range of finance solutions is needed to support the widespread implementation of high-performance housing. The hopeful news is that we’ve seen good progress on both these issues in recent years, and that these solutions are now filtering into the marketplace.

The presenter: Andy Frank has offered to share some of his hard-won insights in this webinar. He has worked the finance angle for home performance quite effectively, which is not surprising since his knowledge of financial markets runs deeper than just about anyone in the home performance industry. As the founder of Sealed, he’s now turning a few heads by combining guaranteed home performance services with a financing program allowing homeowners to pay for upgrades out of their actual energy savings. It looks like a good solution to us, so we’re keen to learn more.

Finance and Appraisal


Retrotec Webinars

You may also be interested in the excellent webinars hosted by our friends at Retrotec. See the Retrotec Event Page.


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