The Compliance Project


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The Compliance Project is a joint initiative among businesses and individuals involved the U.S. home-performance and energy-efficiency industries. The intent of this initiative is to foster a higher level of compliance with current energy codes during the construction of new homes, and so reduce the energy consumption, carbon emissions, and environmental impact of our housing stock.

The benefits of even small improvements in code enforcement could include reductions in carbon emissions of millions of tons per year. Additional benefit could accrue from decreased consumer expenses for utilities, and numerous non-energy benefits such as increased consumer equity, improved health and safety for occupants, and reduced maintenance expenses across our housing stock.

Read on to learn more. If you have technical skills or media savvy that you may want to apply to the Project, go right to the survey to tell us about your experience, your perceptions of the industry, and your interest in the Project. If you’d like to be kept updated on the project, sign up for the newsletter.

The Mission

In launching the Compliance Project, we seek to correct the shortfall in residential building performance that has resulted from weak enforcement of U.S. energy codes.

Our goal is to fast-track improvements in the performance of U.S. residential construction by addressing economic, legal, and ethical short-comings in our construction industry. We recognize that many large and well-funded organizations are working with similar missions, and we are clear about not duplicating or competing with these initiatives. Rather, our focus is narrow and highly targeted at market sectors where we believe that a small and dedicated group of professionals can have the greatest impact in a short period of time.

If this makes sense to you, we invite you to join the Project in whatever way you can. A good first step would be to complete the survey below and tell us more about your interests.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions.

Chris Dorsi <[email protected]>

— Colin Genge <[email protected]>

Blower Door Test

The Work Plan

The Compliance Project is focused on the speeding the implementation and enforcement of energy codes for new residential buildings. We’ll do so through a concerted set of actions:

  • Develop and implement media campaigns for both homeowners and professionals that build awareness around code compliance, and add perceived value to high-performance housing. Develop brand-able media resources for housing professionals to help tell this story.
  • Engage in policy and legal initiatives that force the issue of poor compliance with energy codes in markets where we believe we can have the earliest success.
  • Develop and distribute the CodePlus Builder’s Package: a set of technical support services that can be delivered to willing homebuilders who are ready to build new homes at a level of performance that goes beyond codes. Create shareable resources so the Builder’s Package can be replicated and delivered by other competent professionals in our network. We’re currently seeking collaborators who are interesting in developing and delivering this set of services.


How You Can Participate

We’re currently seeking dedicated individuals and organizations who would like to participate in the Project. Your participation in this initiative will offer good opportunities for professional engagement within the nationwide industry.

Take the Survey

If you’re interested in participating in this initiative — by sharing your ideas, engaging in media outreach, or helping roll out the CodePlus Builder’s Package — click through to this brief survey and tell us about your experience, your skills, and your interest in the Compliance Project. Your responses will give us critical guidance, and open a channel of communication between us, as we fine-tune the initiative.


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