Serving Utilities, Empathy without Apology

John Dendy provides an analysis of utility efficiency programs, why they often fall short of their goals, and how we can help them improve.

“I am a conservationist. I began my career as an energy auditor, doing four energy audits a day.
I wore a badge that bore the name of the gas and electric utility for which I was contracted to work, and I identified myself as a representative of that utility. I then moved on to doing engineering evaluations for several utilities, and eventually returned to the business of program implementation. I believed in what we were doing, and I served the utility faithfully.

During this, time I became frustrated at the glacial pace of change. It took months to make the simplest changes, and modest changes that were reasonable to my coworkers and me seemed impossible to implement.”

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Serving Utilities, Empathy without Apology


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