Habitat X Webinar Week

GoTo WebinarHangOutThe Habitat X Webinars should probably go by another name.

Even though we use all the standard delivery methods such as GoTo Webinars and Google Hangouts, we take these remote events a whole lot farther than most by using professional moderators, offering truly useful downloadable resources, and providing substantial follow-on support. We hope you can join us for one these powerful free events.


Why Home Improvement is the Future of Home Performance

With Chandler von Schrader, Trey Muffet, and Arthur Beeken

Arthur Beeken


Chandler von Schrader

If you work in the North American home performance or energy efficiency industries, and you’re interested in gaining more market share, this seminar is for you. Whether you’re a business owner, program manager, or policy maker, we’ll help you understand and take advantage of the important market evolution that’s taking place.

A lot of business people recognize that the home performance and efficiency industries do not enjoy the market share they should. Yet most organizations have un-tapped capacity to perform more work. We’ll help you understand how to pass that roadblock.

For this seminar, we’ll bring in some respected experts to tell us where the home performance industry IS going, and how HVAC contractors, home builders, and home performance contractors can tap into these strong emerging market sectors.

Moderated by Chris Dorsi.

Register here for this free webinar.

Learn more about guest presenters.


Join the Wireless Revolution

With Colin Genge and Joe Medosch

Joe Medosch

Colin Genge

This session will focus on the revolution in testing brought on by the advent of wireless diagnostic tools in the home performance and HVAC industry. We’ll show you much of the current equipment, and show you how it’s used. And you might be surprised to learn how wireless tools are about to change the practice of training and quality control.

Throughout this session, we’ll focus the presenters’ expertise on the question, “How do we take advantage of these tools to improve our work, save time, and remain competitive?”.

Moderated by Chris Dorsi.

Register here for this free webinar.

Learn more about guest presenters.

 Our guest presenter Colin Genge also hosts webinar training at Retrotec, Inc.


Inside Modern Combustion Testing 

With Bill Spohn and J West


Bill Spohn

The combustion testing equipment we use today is vastly more capable than the tools we used a generation ago. Yet most of us operate this equipment in the same way we always have, missing out on a lot of its capabilities. In this seminar, you’ll learn exactly what this new generation of equipment does, how you can get reliable results more easily than ever, and how to leverage the information you capture for training and quality assurance purposes.

We’ll also discover, as a bonus, what’s inside this equipment and how it works — all from a guy who holds three patents on combustion analysis technologies.

Moderated by Chris Dorsi.

Register here for this free webinar.

Learn more about guest presenters.

Our guest presenter Bill Spohn also convenes webinar training at the TruTech Tools website.


Download Presenter Bios Here



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