Kansas City Agenda

Industry Forum

Monday 8:00 – 12:45

8:30 to 10:00. Industry Summit. Panel Discussion.

10:00 to 10:15. Break and Snacks

10:15 to 11:45. Industry Break-Out Sessions. Q &A.

11:45 to 12:45. Hosted Luncheon

Core Conference

Monday 1:00 – 4:45

1:00 to 3:00. Core Conference. Keynote and Planning Session

3:00 to 3:30. Break, Snacks, and Networking

3:30 to 4:45. Whole Group Workshop

5:00 to 7:00. Hosted Reception

Tuesday 8:30 – 4:45

8:30 to 10:00. Plenary Session and Interviews.

10:00 to 10:15. Break and Snacks.

10:15 to 11:45. Small Group Workshops.

11:45 to 1:00. Hosted Luncheon.

1:00 to 3:00. Small Group Workshops.

3:00 to 3:15. Break and Snacks.

3:30 to 4:45. Whole Group Workshop.

6:30 to 8:00. No-Host Dinner.

Wednesday 8:30 – 4:30

8:30 to 10:00. Plenary Session and Panel Discussion.

10:00 to 10:15. Break and Snacks.

10:15 to 11:45. Small Group Workshops.

11:45 to 1:00. Hosted Luncheon.

1:00 to 2:45. Small Group Workshops.

2:45 to 3:00. Break and Snacks.

3:00 to 4:30. Whole Group Workshop. Adjourn.



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